Blogger Mail | b.liv Malaysia

Thursday 21 September 2017
A package came through the mail yesterday and it's from b.liv Malaysia! If you didn't know, b.liv was established in 2009 and derived from a cosmeceutical brand that was created to cater strong demand for an easy-to-use and affordable personal skincare regimen. Believing in "healthy pores, healthy skin", their way is to bring in salon-formulated and tested products which means their products undergone trials and testing in more than 200 professional skin care centres prior to placement in the retail market. I think it's safe to say that you will be getting the same treatment at the comfortable of your home similar to those available in professional skin care centres. 

Now, let's get to the items that they sent me!

Apart from their original Japan silk masks, they recently launched a new sheet mask line; the Nano Bio-Cellulose Mask that comprises 3 variants which are Age Eraser, Soothe Me Now and Hydrate Away. 

Starting end of last month, me and my Instagram buddies have joined the #maskchallenge where we use 1 sheet mask or wash-off mask every single day because let's just be honest, we hoarded so many of them especially sheet masks! Through this challenge, I personally learned so many differences between one sheet mask line to another even within the same brand. One thing that I noticed the most when it comes to sheet masks is of course the sheet that the essence, serum or ampoule comes with in the mask itself. 

Now, let's talk a little bit on the Nano Bio-Cellulose mask. It is a specialized nano-scaled fibre structure that can fit perfectly like a second skin. It serves as a high volume serum reservoir which means it can hold moisture while allowing air to go through freely throughout the sheet-masking session which also means the sheet won't be dried out as quickly as those regular paper masks. The ultra-fine 30 nanometers fibre (1000 times thinner than human hair!) increases extra contact surface area for crevices and wrinkles (gasp!) therefore maximising the absorption of essence.

The nano Bio-Cellulose masks are obtained by natural fermentation of coconut jelly, gives high adherence to skin and also provides a pleasant cooling effect which is my favourite aspect of sheet mask especially in this hot and humid weather. 

So that's all for now as I'll be doing a separate post for actual reviews on these sheet masks. Do stay tuned for that and I'll be seeing you guys on my next post. Bye! 

Disclaimer: I'm an affiliate of InvolveAsia, and in the case that you click on the links and purchase through them, I do make a small commission. I do not however purchase and use products available on the store solely so I may link them and make profit. In all honesty, it's mostly out of convenience for you, the reader; however if you don't trust it, you definitely have the absolute right to search the internet on your own and purchase them however you see fit! The products are provided in exchange for an honest review i.e. all opinions stated are mine and don't necessarily represent the brand.

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